Connected Experiences for Retail from Microsoft Dynamics


Strategies for connecting people, insights, and relationships and growing retail market share

The recent recession drove or amplified major changes in retail. Shoppers reduced consumption, sought discounts and sales more aggressively, switched to store brands, and some even deserted specialty retailers in favor of discounters. Retailers must monitor these shifts to see if they become permanent, then plan and act accordingly. But they must pay attention and respond to three additional trends as well:

- The rise of the digital lifestyle.
- The importance of providing a unified, multi-channel shopping experience.
- And the consumer’s growing sense of social and environmental responsibility

Growing Market Share in Specialty Retail:
Five Timely Investments to Accelerate Your Business

This white paper outlines the challenges and opportunities that specialty retailers are facing today. We identify the critical market forces that have created a trio of fundamental business challenges that specialty retailers must deal with immediately:


- How to be more customer-centric in every aspect of your operation.
- How to boost the productivity of your assets across the business.
- How to harness the power of multichannel retailing to increase sales and market share.


We also offer five strategic investments that specialty retailers can make now to accelerate their market share growth and boost their profitability.


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