The fastest growing digital ad platform is…

An online giant continues to grab digital ad business in the United States, and quickly close in on competitors.

U.S. advertisers will spend $4.61 billion on Amazon’s platform this year, accounting for 4.1% of all digital ad spending in the country. This means Amazon will increase its ad revenues by about 10% to 12% over the course of the year, according to “Amazon Advertising 2018: The New No. 3 U.S. Digital Ad Firm,” a study from eMarketer.

These gains also position Amazon as the third-largest digital ad platform, right behind Google and Facebook, which account for 37.1% and 20.6% of revenue, respectively.

While Amazon lags well behind its two competitors when it comes to total U.S. digital ad revenue, its share is growing while the other two digital advertising giants are decreasing. The top two companies will make up 57.7% of U.S. digital ad revenue, down from 59.1% in 2017.

And Amazon’s momentum is set to continue. In 2020, Amazon is on pace to grab a 7.0% share, compared with Facebook’s 20.8% and Google’s 35.1% of U.S. digital ad spending.

“While the gap may be narrowing, the duopoly pillar still stands,” eMarketer reported.

“Amazon has the ingredients for a truly powerhouse digital ad business, the key to which is doing more than just selling ad impressions…. With the ad tech tax accounting for a significant share of all display spending, there’s no way for a digital ad seller — not even Google or Facebook — to crack the highest earnings rankings without benefiting from those revenue streams, as well,” the study revealed.
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